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Frequently Asked Questions

Where Are You Located?
We provide employment and training services at 398 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and our administrative office is located at 438 Summit Avenue.

What are your hours?
Our offices are open Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, except state holidays.

How do I enroll for services?

What job search services do you offer?
The Jersey City Employment and Training Program offers a number of workshops to help individuals assess their talents and training needs in preparation for a new career. In addition to providing services for adults, and we also have programs that serve Out of School Youth (18-21) and In -School Youth (14-16).

What Training Services do you offer?
Before a person can access any type of training services, you must have exhausted all efforts to gain employment through our assessment and job preparation programs. Because of limited funding, training is prioritized by need. Some of the services that are offered include:

Occupational Skills Training
Skills Upgrade
Job Readiness Training
Adult Remedial Education

Can you help me with my resume?
We offer interactive workshops that will help you create, edit and finalize a professional resume. We also assist in preparation of your cover letters.

Are services available for non-English speaking clients?
Our staff can accommodate non-English speaking clients. Please contact us regarding your specific linguistic requirements.

To register for services, please click the link (


Someone will follow up with you either through text or email. There is no charge for our services.

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